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Blockchain technology the complete course for beginners

Blockchain technology the complete course for beginners


Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that helps facilitate the recording of events and the monitoring of investments in a corporate network. A tangible asset (a residence, vehicle, money, or property) can be intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). A blockchain network can record and commerce almost anything of value, lowering risk and costs for everyone involved.


Why is blockchain important? Data is the lifeblood of a company or organization. The quicker and more effective it is obtained, the better. Blockchain is perfect for supplying that data because it provides instant, distributed, and totally open data stored on an immutable ledger that can only be obtained by network members with authorization.


  • A blockchain network can track orders, payments, accounts, and production, among other things. And, because members have a unified view of the truth, you can see all aspects of a transaction from start to finish, giving you greater confidence as well as new efficiencies and opportunities.
  • The distributed ledger and its immutable record of transactions are accessible to all network participants. Transactions are recorded only once with this shared ledger, eliminating the duplication of effort that is common in traditional business networks.
  • After a transaction has been recorded to the shared ledger, no participant can change or tamper with it. If an error is found in a transaction record, a new transaction must be added to correct the error, and both transactions are then visible.
  • A set of rules, known as a smart contract, is stored on the blockchain and executed automatically to speed up transactions. A smart contract can specify the terms for corporate bond transfers, the payment of travel insurance, and much more.

Blockchain’s Creation:

Bitcoin is actually built on the blockchain, which serves as the shared ledger for Bitcoin. Consider blockchain to be an operating system, similar to Microsoft Windows or MacOS, with Bitcoin being just one of many applications that can run on it. The shared ledger provided by Blockchain is used to record Bitcoin transactions, but this shared ledger can be used to record any transaction and track the movement of any asset, whether tangible, intangible, or digital. Blockchain, for example, allows securities to be settled in minutes rather than days. It can also be used to assist businesses in managing the flow of goods and related payments, or to allow manufacturers to share production logs with original equipment manufacturers.

Trust and Blockchain

  • Distributed and sustainable: In near real time, the ledger is shared, updated with each transaction, and selectively replicated among participants. The blockchain platform’s continued existence is not dependent on any single entity because it is not owned or controlled by any single organization. 
  • Permissions and cryptography keep the network safe, private, and indelible by preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that participants are who they say they are. Confidentiality is maintained by using cryptographic and/or data partitioning techniques to provide participants with selective visibility into the ledger; both transactions and transacting parties’ identities can be masked. Participants cannot tamper with a transaction record once conditions have been agreed upon; errors can only be reversed with new transactions.Because all participants in a transaction have access to the same records, they can validate transactions and verify identities or ownership without the use of third-party intermediaries. Transactions are time-stamped, ordered, and verifiable in near real time.
  • Consensus-based and transactional: For a transaction to be valid, all relevant network participants must agree. This is accomplished by employing consensus algorithms. Each blockchain network has the ability to define the conditions for a transaction or asset exchange. Because business rules and smart contracts (that execute based on one or more conditions) can be built into the platform, blockchain business networks can evolve over time to support end-to-end business processes and a wide range of activities.

Blockchain Network’s Participants and Their Roles


  • A blockchain user is a participant who has access to the blockchain network and can conduct transactions with other network participants. Because blockchain technology operates in the background, the blockchain user is unaware of it. A single business network typically has multiple users.
  • A blockchain regulator is a user who has special permissions to monitor the network’s transactions. Transactions by regulators could be prohibited.
  • Blockchain developers are programmers who design applications and smart contracts that allow blockchain users to conduct transactions on the blockchain network. Users and the blockchain communicate through applications.
  • Individuals with special permissions and authority to define, create, manage, and monitor the blockchain network are known as blockchain network operators. Each blockchain business has its own blockchain network operator.
  • Traditional processing platforms: Existing computer systems that can be used to augment processing by the blockchain. This system may also be required to send requests to the blockchain.
  • Existing data systems that may provide data to influence smart contract behavior and help to define how communications and data transfer will occur between traditional applications/data and the blockchain — via API calls, MQ style cloud messaging, or both. A certificate authority is a person who issues and manages the various types of certificates needed to run a permissioned blockchain. Certificates, for example, may need to be issued to blockchain users or individual transactions.



Are you excited to build on blockchain? You may require assistance in bringing other members of your organization on board. Many companies are working on blockchain solutions for clients in a variety of industries. With Blockchain Services, you can investigate blockchain use cases relevant to your business and determine your best first pilot of the technology. Experts and strategists in the industry, as well as technical architects and developers who have built a variety of blockchain solutions.


If the prospect of being on the ground floor of this exciting innovation excites you, you may be wondering what the next step is. Pixeltests, in collaboration with IIT-M CCE, offers a Blockchain Certification Training Course.


Pixeltests Blockchain Certification Training is intended for developers who want to understand the global craze that is Blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies. You’ll learn the fundamental structure and technical mechanisms of the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Multichain Blockchain platforms, as well as how to build Blockchain applications with the most up-to-date tools, set up your own private Blockchain, deploy smart contracts on Ethereum, and gain hands-on experience with real-world projects.


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